• The first company of the group has been present in Hungary for more than twenty years, dealing with industrial products.
• We then added other activities by creating ad hoc companies for each of them.
• PGS Corporation Kft is a leading consulting company in the internationalization of companies and in the development of international business and marketing, whose mission is the internationalization of Italian companies to Eastern Europe, China and the MENA (Middle East and North Africa). It has also initiated both in Europe and in the MENA a process of development and marketing of products of Approved Italian Quality, both typical and of excellence, with the distinctive brand THE BEST OF ITALY. It also acts as an intermediary in international commodities.
• We employ bilingual commercial and administrative staff with permanent employment contracts.


International commodities brokerage

Distribution of food products and production plants
Products of Italian food and beverage excellence
– Dry pasta
– Cured meat
– Cheeses
– Bakery products
– Confectionery products and anniversaries
– Typical wines and spirits

Health products
– Surgical masks
– FFP2 masks
– Healthcare products and machinery

We have 800 square meters of proprietary warehouses, with a courtyard area of about 600 square meters

•Pastificio Del Pollino
•Helca Italia dispositivi medici
•Milano servizi e distribuzione Srl
•Milano news24
•Italia da Gustare